Monday 4 March 2013

Flowering plants/trees of VIT,Vellore

There are more than 70 types of flowering plants in VIT, Vellore campus. Actually the campus is a man made eco-system with different varieties of plants,shrubs and herbs. Soon the list of flowering plants will be published.....

1.      Passiflora

Passiflora, known also as the passion flowers or passion vines, is a genus of about 500 species of flowering 

plants, the namesakes of the family Passifloraceae. They are mostly vines, with some being shrubs.

location :- GDN Building, near water cooler.
2. Lantana 

Lantana is a genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae.

Location : - almost everywhere.

3. Plumeria (Frangipani)
Plumeria is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. It contains seven or eight species of

 mainly deciduous shrubs and small trees.

Location : - Mens Hostel, D Block

4. Euphorbia milli

Euphorbia milii, known in English as "crown of thorns", "Christ plant", or "Siamese lucky plant", is a viciously thorny shrub native to Madagascar. The small flowers are surrounded by red, pink, or white bracts. 

Location : - almost everywhere around Mens Hostel

5. Delonix regia (Gulmohar)

Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its

 fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers.
Location :- Wood stock, VIT Mens Hostel (near sewage treatment plant)

Sunday 3 March 2013

Medicinal Plants of VIT University

VIT Vellore is one of the greenest universities in India. It has large numbers of trees, shrubs and herbs. Some of the trees planted along the roadside inside the campus have been planted by different professors, leaders, social reformers of India and the world. The list of some of the medicinal plants in and around VIT Vellore campus is given below. The list is incomplete.............

Caution :- Before using any of the plants stated below as medicine or ointment,consult a medical practisner.
1.Neem (Azadirachta indica)
 is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae.Mostly spotted near B-Block,Mens Hostel.

Neem needs no introduction in today's world. A very famous herb of India with worldwide fame and having magical properties known for its miraculous medicinal values from past 5000 years. Neem is known as free tree of India as it is found almost everywhere in India. It is considered as a magic tree, which has properties that not only relieves but also cures from illness.

2.Peepal (Ficus religiosa)

 is sacred tree to Hindus and Buddhists.Its also having medicinal importance .

§  The leaf extract of peepal plant is used as eardrop for ear problems.
§  Powder of peepal leaves mixed with ghee can be applied for the treatment of mumps.
§  The bark of banyan tree is extremely useful for the treatment of jaundice.
§  The roots are used for treating stomach disorders, gout and ulcers.
§  The fruit and leaves are very useful against heart diseases.
§  The fruits are also helpful in enhancing the digestive system and check the tendency of vomiting. 
§  The bark is used during inflammation and swelling.
§  The powder of fruits is very beneficial in case of asthma, constipation and urinary problems.
§  Powder of bark has good healing effect for wounds.
§  Peepal is quite effective in the treatment of a neck disorder called scrofula.
§  The paste of peepal leaf provides relief in case of boils.

3. Cissus quadrangularis
 (Hadjodwa in Hindi, Perandai in 

Tamil) is found in the forest mountain behind VIT Mens  

    Hostel and near Outdoor stadium.

Cissus quadrangularis has been used as a medicinal plant since antiquity. In siddha medicine it is considered a tonic and analgesic, and is believed to help heal broken bones, thus its nameasthisamharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). It is said to have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anthelminticantihemorrhoidal and analgesic activities. It has been found to contain a rich source of carotenoidstriterpenoids and ascorbic acid. Its bactericidal effects on Helicobacter pylori hold promise as a potential treatment of gastric ulcers in conjunction withNSAID therapy.A weight loss supplement containing Cissus quadrangularis and other ingredients including green tea, soy, selenium, chromium, and B vitamins was evaluated in an 8-week trial. The supplement helped reduce body weight by 4-8% ( placebo 2.4%) a clinically significant weight loss.

4. Lantana camara
 :- It is the most common ornamental plant of the campus.It is having colourful phenolic 

    fragrance flowers.

CAUTION: Lantana seeds/green berries are known to be toxic.
Medicinal Uses and Properties: 

Pound leaves and place on skin or put a handful of fresh leaves in a mesh bag and dip in your water bath.

soothes insect stings, the itch of chicken pox and measles and other skin eruptions, cuts, scrapes, ulcerations and scabies.  The water bath also relieves symptoms of rheumatism
In folklore, the crushed leaves of the lantana is effective in snakebite case.  It is directly applied on the bitten area.

As a tea, lantana leaves can be used for relief from headaches, fever, flu, coughs, colds toothaches and indigestion.  It also relieves the symptoms of rheumatism and other joint pains. 

Use pounded fresh leaves applied as poultice for sprains, wounds and contusions.

To use as an inhalant for respiratory problems:
Pound lantana leaves. Boil in water for 5 minutes using a tight fitting lid. Uncover and inhale the steam directly from the pot or pour into a container with a narrow mouth and inhale the steam.

The dried lantana leaves that have been burned in a glass jar is also known to be a natural mosquito repellent. On the other hand, the crushed leaves is used as a furniture polish.  
The lantana leaves are also known to be antiphlogistic, anti-dermatoses and have a cooling effect.
The roots of the lantana are known to be refrigerant and antifebrile.
The decoction of dried roots are used for gonorrhea, cough, mumps, malaria and influenza.

Flowers known to be hemostatic and the decoction of dried flowers is used for hemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

5. China rose.
Rosa sinensi, known commonly as the China Rose, is abundantly present in  the campus. Different colored flowers with small or tall stem length can be spotted almost everywhere in the campus.

       Medicinal uses
  • The young leaves and flowers are used in inducing abortion, and as a cure for headache.
  • The plant has many hidden medical boons.
  • Stunning Facts About Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis
  • Europe is the only continent that lacks any native species of the Hibiscus genus.
  • In Kerala, a state of India, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is known as chemparathy in the regional language.
  • If the same plant is cultivated in Neotropics then humming birds are rare visitors however when grown in tropical regions, humming birds are a regular sight in the hibiscus gardens.
  • The attractive and long living flower, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia and is known as Bunga Raya in the national language.
6. Coconut (Cocos nucifera

Coconuts may help benign prostatic hyperplasia.[1] In rats, virgin coconut oil reduced total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol levels and increased HDL cholesterol in serum and tissues.[2] The hexane fraction of coconut peel may contain novel anticancer compounds.[3] Young coconut juice has estrogen-like characteristics.[4] Inside a coconut is a cavity filled with coconut water, which is sterile until opened. It mixes easily with blood, and was used during World War II in emergency transfusions.[5] It can also serve as an emergency short-term intravenous hydration fluid.[6] This is possible because the coconut water has a high level of sugar and other salts that makes it possible to be used in the bloodstream, much like the modern lactated Ringer solution or a dextrose/water solution as an intravenouus solution (IV). Coconut is also commonly used as a traditional remedy in Pakistan to treat bites from rats.In Brazil, coconut is known as coco-da-bahiacoco-da-baía or coqueiro-da-índia. The tea from the husk fiber is widely used to treat several inflammatory disorders.

7. Banana (Musa (genus)

It can be spoted near Mens hostel Water Treatment plant.

Banana is a store house of minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc etc. Vitamins A, B, C, B-6 etc are also available in plenty.
Presence of iron in banana helps to boost the production of haemoglobin. This helps persons who suffer from anemia.
High blood pressure occurs due to high sodium level and low potassium level. Banana contains plenty of potassium. This helps to balance sodium potassium level and reduce hypertension or high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in erectile dysfunction. This fruit reduces the risk of stroke.
Banana contains calcium in good amount. Through researches it has been found that calcium helps to 
increase sperm motility. Banana is an ideal food for men to keep their sexual life healthy and active.
Banana has rich fiber content. This helps to increase bowel movement. Thus people who suffer from 
constipation are highly benefited by consumption of this fruit. High fiber and iron content, makes this fruit an ideal snack item for pregnant ladies.
Apart from these benefits banana acts as a 
brain tonic and helps to boost memory power. It calms nervous system, reduces stress and depression. This magic fruit helps to overcome morning sickness and heart burn.
Ripe bananas are ideal food for infants. 
Face mask of ripe mashed bananas help to rejuvenate skin and prevent formation of wrinkles. This fruit help to supply required vitamins and minerals to smokers who are trying to quit smoking. The craving for nicotine reduces by consumption of this wonderful fruit.

8.African tulip(Spathodia camanulata)
Rugtoora(in Hindi)
 Red coloured flowers.Found all around the campus.

Medicinal properties :-
• Antimicrobial: Study of the ethanol extract of leaf and flower was tested for antimicrobial activity against against gram positive and gram negative organisms like Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas sps, Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholera. Results showed dose-dependent antimicrobial activity, with the ethanol flower extract showing more potency than the leaf extract. Activity is attributed to flavonoids and tannins.
• Wound Healing / Topical Formulation: The wound healing potential of a methanol extract of stem bark was tested in Sprague Dawley rats using an excision wound model. A cream formulation showed wound healing facilitation. Results justified the folkloric use of stem bark for wound treatment.
• Nephroprotective: Study of 70% ethanolic extract of bark of Spathodea campanulata in rats showed pretreatment benefits in preventing kidney damage induced by paracetamol nephrotoxicity.
• Hypoglycemic: Decoction of stem bark of SC showed a hypoglycemic effect in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats and decreased blood glucose in GTT testing. However, there was no effect noted on insulin levels.
• Anti-Malarial: Alcoholic extract of leaves of S campanulata showed antiplasmodial activity, more effective in early infection than established one. Results provide scientific basis for use of the aqueous decoction of leaves for treatment of malaria.
 Healing Activity / Burn Wounds: A study on an ointment made from the methanolic extract of barks of S campanulata showed a healing activity on burn wounds and provides rational basis for its traditional use in promoting wound healing.
• Antifungal: Study of roots of SC yielded an iridoid glycoside (ajugol) and two phenolic derivatives. The phenolic constituents displayed biological activity against C herbarum.
• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory: Study of leaf extracts of S campanulata showed both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and presents a potential use for alleviating painful inflammatory conditions.

9.Areca nut

Supari (in Hindi) commonly used in paan/beetal leaves.
Medicine use :- According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, chewing areca nut and betel leaf is a good remedy against bad breath.

But researchers have found that processed areca nut causes cancer when chewed.Also it has been reported that if a pregnant women chew it ,it may cause poor development of the foetus.

10. Cycas circinalis

It is a critically endangered plant.
 It can be spoted near mens hostel and somewhere near acdemic buildings.
Medicinal Uses: Seeds are used as aphrodisiac as well as to improve the sperm production. Bark and seeds are used as a poultice for sores and swellings. Tender leaves relieve flatulence and vomiting. Powdered endosperm is used to relieve burning sensation and general debility.

11.Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Mostly spoted near Main Building and Bus Parking zone near main gate,near boundry walls .It is also known by the name "guletura".
Caesalpinia. It is a striking ornamental plant, widely grown in domestic and public gardens and has a beautiful inflorescence in yellow, red and orange. Its small size and the fact that it tolerates pruning well allows it to be planted in groups to form a hedgerow; it can be also used to attract hummingbirds.
Medicine properties :- men in the Amazon Rainforest have long known some of the medicinal uses for Caesalpinia pulcherrima, which is known as ayoowiri. Four grams from the root is also said to induce abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.

12.Plumeria (common name Frangipani)

It is a nector less flower.It can be found near "E Block", Mens hostel.
In Hindu mythology, there is a saying "चम्पा तुझमें तीन गुण - रंग, रूप और बास  ; अवगुण तुझमें एक ही कि भंवर न आए पास" (Hey Champa you have three qualities color, beauty, and fragrance, but the only thing you lack is that honey-bees never sit on you.) "roop tajey to Radhikey, or bhanwar Krishna ko daas, is mariyaadey ke liye bhanwar na aaye pass" (the beauty of champa is compared to Radhika, who is wife of lord Krishna and honey-bees are servants of Lord Krishna and this is the reason honey-bees don't sit on the champa flower.) However, the champa flower is the Indian Magnolia, and not plumeria. Both lack nectar.
It contains seven or eight species of mainly deciduous shrubs and small trees. 
Medicinal properties :- some species have been reported to show medicinal properties.Study in progress......

13. Ixora, Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame, Jungle 

Geranium or Santan (Ixora coccinea Linn.) 

Can be spoted almost everywhere in the campus.
Medicinal Use :- The flowers, leaves, roots, and the stem are used to treat various ailments in the Indian traditional system of medicine, the Ayurveda, and in various folk medicines. The fruits, when fully ripe, are used as a dietary source.
14. Euphorbia milii 

(found outside E BLOCK)
Euphorbia milii, known in English as "crown of thorns", "Christ plant", or "Siamese lucky plant", is a viciously thorny shrub native to Madagascar. The small flowers are surrounded by red, pink, or white bracts. 

Medicinal properties:
• Euphorbia milii plays a role in folk medicine. The Chinese use it as a cure for cancer, and some Brazilians believe that it can cure warts.
Helps Prevent Schistosomiasis
Euphorbia milii can curb the spread of schistosomiasis, a disease of the liver. Its latex has ingredients that can kill snails of the genera Indoplanorbis and Biomphalaria, which are vectors (alternate hosts) of the flatworms which cause this disease.
Inhibits Aspergillus
• Fungi of the genus Aspergillus produce a toxic substance called aflatoxin, which contaminates crops (e.g., corn and peanuts) and causes human diseases. Aflatoxin has even been implicated as a contributing factor in liver cancer. Euphorbia milii flowers, when dried and processed as powder, inhibit the growth of Aspergillus.
Milin, an extract of Euphorbia milii latex, is a glycosylated serine protease (an enzyme that breaks down protein and has a sugar attached to it). Because it is more stable than most proteases, it will be useful to food processers and makers of detergents who have been using proteases in their operations.
Milin will also be useful to research scientists who use serine proteases to get rid of unwanted proteins so that they can obtain the ones they want in pure form.

15.Delonix Regia, Gulmohar Tree

found near E block
 (Hindi and Urdu -‘Gul’ means ‘Flower’ and ‘Mohr’ is 'coin or stamp'.also "Gul" means flower and "Mor" means "Peacock". which seems to be most close to physical appearance and beauty of this tree.It is also known there as Krishnachura (Bengali: 'crown of the Lord Krishna).

Medicinal uses :A lot has been written about the medicinal uses of gulmohar in many ancient texts of Ayurveda and Siddha. But to see its real medicinal use in day-to-day lives, one must observe the remote rural India where this tree is indispensible for both humans and animals. A herbal remedy for rheumatism, flatulence, anti-inflammation, to psychosomatic medicinal uses, its uses are plenty. Indeed, it a piece of good-looking medicine.

Found mostly near A,C,J,H Block Mens Hostel
The scientific name is taken from Sterculius of Roman mythology, who was the god of manure; this is in reference to the unpleasant aroma of the flowers of this genus (e.g., Sterculia foetida).
colloquially known as tropical chestnuts

Medicinal uses :-
Gum karaya is extracted from Sterculia species, and is used as a thickener and emulsifier in foods, as a laxative, and as a denture adhesive.

17.Callistemon(bottle brush)
medicinal properties:
• Anti-quorum sensing: (1) Bacterial intercellular communication or quorum sensing (QS) is believed to control the pathogenesis of many bacterial organisms. C. viminalis is one of several plants studied that showed to possess anti-QS activity, a potential new direction for the treatment of bacterial infections. (2) Extracts of plants, including C viminalis, caused the inhibition of QS genes and QS-controlled factors with marginal effects on bacterial growth, suggesting the quorum-quenching mechanisms are unrelated to static or cidal effects.
Anthelminthic activity: In veterinary studies: The anthelmintic activity of the essential oils of Callistemon viminalis against earthworms and tapeworms has revealed it to exhibit in vitro efficacy better than piperazine phosphate.
• Insecticidal: Study yielded two novel epimeric compounds, viminadione A and viminadione B, Viminadione A exhibited moderate insecticidal activity. 
• Anti-infective: One of three plants screened for inhibition of opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa that showed reduction in toxin production and mortality and suggests a potential for anti-infective development. 
• Chemical Composition / Antibacterial: Study on chemical composition and antibacterial activity yielded 12 compnonets from the leaves of CV. The major components were 1,8-cineole and a-pinene. The oils exhibited inhibitionn against S faecalis, S aureus, B cereus, S marcesens.
